I remember Sonny Liston's glare, those piercing, villainous eyes set darkly inside the cowl of his boxing robe.
At the Olympic trials, he trotted out in a boxing robe and a pair of red-white-and-blue trunks like the ones worn by Apollo Creed in "Rocky."
Hall wore a new boxing robe for the event - a red, white and blue Apollo Creed number - and kissed his biceps when he was introduced.
As he ascended the steps of Borough Hall in a boxing robe and shorts declaring him Mr. Brooklyn, a small group of protesters chanted: "Fat is fit!
One day after Jones broke the American record in the 50-free preliminaries, Hall appeared before the finals in a satin boxing robe, and Jones says, "It took me off my game."
However, Michael manipulates him by buying a personalized boxing robe, saying he bought it before Tyler decided to quit, which makes Tyler change his mind again.
He often shadow-boxes before a race and is known for wearing a boxing robe in lieu of the usual warm-ups.
He walked to the starting line in a stars-and-stripes boxing robe and trunks.
Before the start of the Taylor-Hopkins fight, Sylvester Stallone made his way to the ring in a boxing robe, and the fans chanted "Rocky."
Taylor oftens sports a large Razorback on the back of his boxing robe and trunks for his fights.