Whipping heavyweight greybeards is not exactly the formula for becoming a boxing legend.
A smile, a shrug: the boxing legend as befuddled father.
He met boxing legend, Muhammad Ali, in 1970 when he was just 11 years old.
If the prosecution makes its case, Tyson could go from being a multimillionaire boxing legend to a convicted felon facing up to 63 years in jail.
In the late 1960s, Magnum photographer Thomas Hoepker captured some intimate moments of the charismatic boxing legend.
LEAD: The Sugar man is already a boxing legend.
What becomes a boxing legend most?
After the 1971 playoffs, Chamberlain had an offer to fight heavyweight boxing legend Muhammad Ali.
For his next project, Gast is working on his second documentary on a boxing legend.
"The Greatest: Muhammad Ali on Film," documents the career of the boxing legend; through Sunday.