Buffer's work was also admired by many of the boxing greats.
As waves of immigrants came to America, each period had its clique of boxing greats.
He has already drawn comparisons to past boxing greats like Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali.
During his career, Moran knocked out former lightweight king Battling Nelson and also fought boxing greats Packey McFarland, Harlem Tommy Murphy and Charley White.
Fighters need lots of things but not big muscles - one look at any of the lighter boxing greats tells us that.
"City's boxing greats make for a heavyweight heritage"
Tyson, who has read extensively about the sport's history, has often taken his cues from boxing greats of the past.
During this time, all of Mexico's boxing greats, except Julio César Chávez have fought here.
The caliginous disco is downstairs in the former bank vault; the dining room is on an overhead balcony facing oversize photographs of boxing greats partly obscured by swathes of a painter's brush.
For instance, rules may be negated: under the famous Americans category, you could turn the "boxing greats" category into "not boxing greats."