The area was well connected with established paths among their settlements, to and from bountiful resources, and to neighboring settlements.
Did it stumble upon a bountiful natural resource, such as oil or uranium?
On the no side, the basic argument was that Norway, blessed with bountiful natural resources, is strong enough to go it alone.
With its bountiful resources, Nigeria can, and should, be a much more prosperous country.
America - and Colorado, in particular - is blessed with bountiful renewable resources on expansive federal lands.
Karukutty is blessed with bountiful natural resources and the numerous brooks flowing through lush greenery themselves provide an excellent tourist opportunity.
Iran has been blessed and cursed with a strong national identity, bountiful natural resources, an ancient intellectual and cultural tradition, and a strategic location.
Though the connecting lines are often crowded and slow, users can still tap the bountiful resources of the global Internet.
The country and its people need to tap their bountiful resource.
Despite bountiful resources, a thriving oil industry and an educated work force, Nigeria is bankrupt; annual per capita income has plunged to $250, from $1,000 in 1980.