From the bountiful garden at this warm little country restaurant, a short walk from the historic Alice Austen House, you can actually see stars.
In the bountiful garden you can see the stars.
The sturdy two-story convent with white stucco walls and red tile roof is nestled along the Henares River, overlooking cornfields and its own bountiful garden, which bears apples, pears and tomatoes.
In a bountiful garden far from Manhattan's lights you can actually see stars, and the charming storefront dining is the kind any West Village block would be lucky to have.
We figured the family was burning it," The Cottams were vegetarians and had a bountiful garden, Mrs. Miller said.
My portly woodchuck had chosen wisely; a backyard with a fence, a bountiful garden, shrubs for shelter, a nonmanicured, weedy lawn.
It stands aloof from the low-level villas and bountiful gardens but doesn't turn its back on them.
"God gave us a bountiful garden for a reason," she added, nodding at my mother.
But this serpent will invade only the loveliest, most bountiful gardens; his presence in such gardens is inevitable, and we accept it serenely, and with gratitude, for we know that we have been privileged.
But this lady, this bountiful garden of delights, had so much more to interest a chap.