Its financial health had been improving since 1986 - partly because of bountiful crops and huge Government subsidies.
But there are additional steps you can take to help ensure a healthy garden and a bountiful crop.
In autumn, they should strike up a bountiful crop of buds again.
Even in a good year, with bountiful crops, there were necessities that they couldn't produce for themselves.
Even more surprising than the cattle and the pasture were the bountiful crops in the well-cultivated fields.
Thus a bountiful crop will only flood the local market with food, bringing prices down.
From bountiful crops of cotton, corn and wheat would come a cut for local commanders.
Richard was going to reap a bountiful crop of gifts from his aunt in the future.
Successive plantings should give you a bountiful crop all summer.
The winner is believed to harvest the most bountiful crops for the year ahead.