Now, modern medicine, with its boundless opportunity, makes what the psychologists call "closure" virtually impossible.
And that sense of boundless opportunity is a gift that we must pass on to all who come after us.
The American economy has also grown more quickly than Europe's in recent decades, leaving an impression of boundless opportunity.
I believe in unlimited and boundless opportunity for our future.
The state gave him a first-rate education, boundless recreational opportunities and modern highways.
Or should they take advantage of the boundless opportunities offered by modernity to deliver the Christian message afresh?
A time of evaluation and assessment - but also of boundless opportunity.
With all the work you've done and the organizations you've been involved in, you'll have boundless opportunities when you graduate.
California's six-year economic boom, which strengthened the state's image as a land of boundless opportunity, may be coming to an end.
Obviously the whole area of new technologies is one that has presented us with many problems as well as boundless opportunities.