Late in 1738 Akdun was put in charge of another Commission and succeeded in concluding a boundary agreement.
Even little Kaneville which was recently incorporated anticipates establishing a boundary agreement with Sugar Grove.
It is protected from annexation into the city of Appleton by a boundary agreement along Wisconsin Highway 47.
The United States draft says Iraq must accept the boundary agreement it made with Kuwait in 1963 but subsequently rejected.
India does not recognize Pakistan's ceding lands to China in a 1964 boundary agreement.
The treaty stated that the boundary agreement was provisional for two years and would become permanent when both states had ratified the treaty.
Ireland and the United Kingdom have signed a boundary agreement in the Rockall area.
For the most part these issues have been resolved with a boundary agreement between the two communities.
There is currently no boundary agreement between the two countries.
This case centers on what has already been agreed to in the 1834 boundary agreement.