When the plane hit the ground 200 ft further on, it bounced heavily.
Even above the main slide, though, rocks bounced heavily into the drow and dust choked him and stung his sensitive eyes.
Rucksacks and dive-gear sacks bounced heavily with each stride.
One of the shapes fell, bouncing heavily, in the tiny vale betwixt the ridge and the hill beyond.
A wolf bounced heavily and rolled to its feet, snarled deep in its throat and began walking stifflegged toward Wavyhill.
Her bag bounced heavily against her hip.
The truck bounced heavily on its side, then on its roof - then continued to roll over several times.
The Humvee was bouncing heavily over the rutted road.
He tripped and rolled to the bottom of the sloping wall, the Tharkan Axe bouncing heavily against his thigh.
Rosamund rose and pounced on him, her blonde hair flying, her full jugs bouncing heavily.