Doug rises up out of the stream onto a few boulders strewn along the bank.
Large boulders strewn about the shoreline and lake bed add to the scenic beauty of this lake.
I was deep in the cocoon of the woods, with the tall trees forming a canopy over boulders seemingly strewn at random.
Even where they stood, there were boulders and rocks strewn about, and sparse, bushy vegetation grew between them.
We were at a little secluded cove, with large boulders strewn about, the debris of some long-past hillside.
The land was flatter here and there were fewer boulders strewn around.
The hill landed upside down, and till this day one can find many boulders strewn around the hill.
It was a shattered and broken outline now, with great boulders strewn along its base.
Then he struck the boulder strewn wastes.
The end result is plaque, which shows up inside tissues like boulders strewn on a landscape.