This list reflects the best judgment of those here as to what minimal changes would address our bottom-line concerns.
It ceased publication because of the company's bottom-line concerns.
The announcement illuminates a shift in the discussions over the trade center site, from the design of the site and its memorial to more bottom-line financial concerns.
It is a bipartisan effort to restore choice and accountability to a health care system ruled by the bottom-line concerns of corporate executives.
Slight and smiling, Mr. Lackman pads about the Capitol with a looseness that belies his bottom-line concerns.
But some people worry that these bottom-line concerns may leave too much margin for error when it comes to caring for the needy.
But bottom-line concerns do not by themselves justify the simple dismissal of the idea of becoming a village.
It's the nature of the culture, and because of that companies are run now with a little more bottom-line concern, so you can't bring a writer along too slowly.
The predicament illustrates the problems facing small Off Broadway companies trying to balance bottom-line concerns with unexpected successes.
Where the news divisions were once cushioned, if not precisely removed, from bottom-line concerns, today they are expected to be profitable.