The Lion at the bottom left quadrant represents the courage and determination with which Josephians face the many challenges of life.
The tooth was found in the bottom right quadrant of the left lung.
In the bottom quadrant, the alpha and omega represents the ever-living God (Revelations 1:8).
He pictured a circle divided into quarters, each a different colour: olive, russet, citrine, and, in the bottom quadrant, black.
The two bottom quadrants are likely to result in inaction because the learner's confidence in the information is low.
Just pull straight back through the bottom quadrant.
He unfolded the map and placed his finger at a point on the bottom left quadrant.
Regional weather conditions and forecasts displayed on an "L-bar" on the left and bottom quadrants of the screen.
The results do not mean that the bottom left quadrants are not cash cows.
The top left and bottom right quadrants are black, and the remaining area is white.