The bottom compartment held woman's underwear, an empty Evian bottle, some white powder in a glassine envelope.
Stow camera gear in the bottom compartment; outerwear and lunch in the top.
Miller shrugged, feeling the weight of his toolbox, the hammer, the spanners, the four stick grenades in the bottom compartment.
On that day, he rescued several shipmates who had been overcome by turpentine fumes in a double bottom compartment.
He rummaged through the case and finally found the secret tab that allowed him to lift the panel separating the bottom compartment from the top.
Coraline went to the freezer and took out the spare loaf of frozen bread in the bottom compartment.
Roger pointed at the half-melted block in the bottom compartment.
He dug in the bottom compartment of his flight bag and fingered the contraband pistol just like the one Abdullah also carried.
I memorized the side tab names, then moved to the bottom compartment.
Some grinders also have two or three compartments instead of just one, with a fine screen separating the bottom compartment from the top.