It continues the patently outrageous practice of allowing the bottling industry to keep the unclaimed bottle deposits, which amount to an estimated $25 million a year.
Both sides had expressed an interest in paying for the law with revenue from unredeemed bottle deposits.
You could compare it to the bottle deposit.
States which have adopted bottle deposits have reduced litter as much as 64%.
The proposal was expected to cost $40 million, and there was discussion of financing it with money from unclaimed bottle deposits.
The defining case in this issue was the attempt to introduce a differential between reusable and recyclable bottle deposits.
He also called for allowing the state to collect $50 million a year for uncollected bottle deposits.
They should reconsider using the uncollected bottle deposits as a way to pay for increased recycling, as other states do.
He said his plan to seize unclaimed bottle deposits from beverage distributors would raise $80 million a year.
Prices are definitely higher than you'd pay at a supermarket: $1.89 a quart for skim or whole milk, plus a $1 bottle deposit.