Debra Tyler is organic, but she doesn't bother mentioning the fact on her label.
Neither of these articles seem to bother mentioning the "powerful but difficult-to-learn" options by name.
Why even bother mentioning iphones at this point, Casey?
"Engineers and most scientists don't have any use for the monster, so they don't bother mentioning it."
And if you want a piece of free advice, don't bother mentioning the O word around here.
It was pathetic really; a fact she didn't bother mentioning.
I wouldn't bother mentioning this, but the decision seems to concern some people.
The Disciple didn't bother mentioning that he knew the streets would be practically deserted tonight.
Kurak decided not to bother mentioning the role that Leknerf had played in her decision making.
"And why he didn't bother mentioning it to either of us before," Casey added pointedly.