The first freak botanical forms appeared, recalling the giant tree-ferns of the Carboniferous period, and there was a drastic upsurge of all lower plant and animal forms.
"Actually, I was born in Poughkeepsie," said Mr. Rizzie, an abstract painter who specializes in botanical forms.
Further, she states, "[Sherwood's] sculpture celebrates botanical forms and patterns in nature with proportional harmony."
The design had a groundbreaking semi open-plan floor layout for a house of the time, and incorporated interior iron structure with curvilinear botanical forms, later described as "biomorphic whiplash".
His recent thermoplastic sculptures have a lush, insouciantly visceral materialism, while looking like exotic underwater agglomerations of botanical and geological forms (Johnson).
Beginning foundation courses emphasize the accurate and detailed depiction of botanical forms.
On larger canvases and in muted colors, Ms. Voorhees works variations on a vocabulary of semi-sculptural botanical forms (Johnson).
He stuck mainly to a narrow range of visual elements: botanical forms, birds and animals, clowns (self-portraits), and 'Greedies' and 'Evils' (malignant personifications).
In that vein, his most provocative "Congress of Fools" is a six-foot-high assembly of motley humanoid, botanical and zoological forms clustered on bleacher-like tiers.
Sullivan's lush tangles of botanical forms and abstract patterns, reproduced in facsimile in this imposing folio with their delicate details intact, are wonders of complexity and coherence.