For 27 years, from age 40 to 67, she turned out botanical drawings of the highest quality, making use of a camera lucida.
A number of artists appear to have found solace in botanical drawings, but others seem to be telling stories.
Artists were employed to create botanical drawings on vellum of the specimens.
Dautrish said, riffling the pages of his careful botanical drawings.
"The Victorian look of our Web site, the botanical drawings and especially the color of our trucks seemed to make a huge difference," he said.
A genre that dates back to the Enlightenment, botanical drawings come in two styles - the plant alone and in context.
They have attractive names and are very prettily packed with labels like old fashioned botanical drawings, thus making the range distinctive on the shop shelf.
His first shipment of botanical drawings fell into the hands of pirates and was lost.
I flipped through botanical drawings and old Philadelphia scenes before coming to a blue-tinted watercolor of the Manhattan skyline.
She became interested in algae, fungi and lichen, and came to Kew with her botanical drawings.