This allowed a lower floor level, and in turn allowed FSM to borrow directly parts from the Zuk A05/A06.
Led Zeppelin borrowed parts of the song on their song "Custard Pie" from the 1975 album Physical Graffiti.
Lovett told Merizo they'd have to borrow parts for an hour or so if Jean-Claude was ever to get his "bigbig machine" running.
Their musical stylings borrowed equal parts from punk, metal, and classic rock.
In the meantime he's arranging to borrow from the Israelis both spare parts and mechanics and ground-handling equipment until we can get our own over there.
Another group that would like to borrow or buy parts of the display is Danielson Main Street Inc., a group of about 60 small businesses.
The Rochester Institute of Technology team borrowed parts from an ultrasonic humidifier to help that process.
Chandler also borrowed small parts of two other stories: "Finger Man" and "Mandarin's Jade".
They borrowed literal parts of the Bible and Qur'an as well as referenced allusions to both works.
It borrows parts from Williams' original themes and uses the parts perfectly throughout the film.