I am sorry, when he sent to borrow of me, that my provision was out.
"Can I borrow one of your cars or not?"
And then, if there was time, maybe she'd pay Hannah another visit; borrow a few more of her books.
A friend that stood in need of money came to borrow of him.
I am borrowing upwards of $20,000 - just for this year of school.
There was no time to search for the sword that had been taken from him, so he 'borrowed' one of Merinsaard's.
Anyone can go to a police box and, without showing identification, borrow the equivalent of $10 or $20 for transportation home.
He'd let you lend a borrow of it for a while.
The federal government will borrow about 40 cents out of every dollar it spends.
She did not want to borrow of Minnie for that.