To finance the restructuring, the company said it plans to borrow about $550 million.
Our government is currently borrowing about 50 cents for every dollar we spend.
Students borrow about $9 billion a year through Government-subsidized programs.
"We borrowed about $40 million, and we're looking for another $15 million in coming months."
He told me himself that you could borrow just about anything if you left something in return.
An 80-year-old shareholder, for example, should be able to borrow about 42 percent of the apartment's value.
The company has $400 million in cash and will borrow about half of the purchase price.
But, to borrow the old complaint about police officers, there is never an empty room around when you need one.
The administration also plans to borrow about $300 million to pay for construction projects rather than using cash, officials said.
Donald borrowed about $47 million to build the course and a new clubhouse.