Tanaka was the son of a navy officer, Mazdai was born to wealth, the son of a Panasonic chief financial officer and board member.
He was born in Alsace as Erik Muhlheim, to the son of a circus carpenter, around 1866.
He was born in a suburb of Algiers to a Berber father and a Gypsy mother, the third son among 13 brothers and one sister, the youngest.
Mancuso was born in Galveston, Texas to the son of a Sicilian immigrant and the daughter of German immigrants.
Ryan was born in Alberta Canada to the son of an Irish immigrant.
Kabir was born in January 1928 to the then emir's son Usman Nagogo and his wife Aminatu.
Fabian Hamilton was born in London to a British Jewish family, the son of a solicitor father and a judge mother.
Burnes was born in Montrose, Scotland, to the son of the local provost, who was first cousin to the poet Robert Burns.
In 1582, Kadizade was born to the son of a provincial judge in the western Anatolian town of Balikesir.
A son had been born to the son of her son.