He was relatively young, according to his own account, in 1617, and therefore may have been born not long before 1600.
He was born long after the trim original of 1955 and the classics that followed over the next decade or so.
I am a "baby boomer", born not long after World War 2, and my wife is of similar age.
My baby will be born not long after I arrive on Luna.
I had thought her child would have been born long before this.
She looked over at her baby daughter, born not long after her brother disappeared.
Her foal was born not long after the woman found the wounded man, who turned out to be Jondalar.
The date of his birth is unknown, but he was born not long before 1307.
He was born not long after his father's death.
Almost impossible to grasp that the man curled in my lap had been born not long before the death of Christ.