It's probably the most boring existence imaginable.
It would certainly be a boring existence for Simone.
He would like to do something different and bring some change and excitement to his dull and boring existence.
His 19-year-old son Marius works for him at his bar, but wants nothing more than to go to sea and leave his boring existence behind.
"If you want to tell stories as truthfully as possible, you have to have a normal, boring existence."
The males came to him, overjoyed at the novelty of his presence in their sheltered and boring existence.
The idea was to act as if it were all in good fun and a welcome relief from your otherwise boring existence.
"I had a very sort of boring suburban-immigrant-bourgeois existence," he said.
While great battles are fought, strategies decided and people die, the drab, boring real existence of life goes on.
All in all, it looked like an incredibly boring existence.