Pymer was bored, and bored soldiers were too curious for comfort's sake.
He and a friend rush to the site, where they find a small huddle of bored soldiers.
However, upon seeing bored soldiers stationed in Springfield, Bradley began producing small games the soldiers could play during their down time.
A moment later, he silences the bored extras who are playing bored soldiers with a soft "Quiet.
There were many reports of raids on local Chinese villages by bored Japanese soldiers, and all complaints from the Chinese government were ignored.
But the soldiers - sleepy, bored, used to it all - seemed fatalistic to the point of numbness.
If he succeeds in obliterating the Murgos, he's going to be camped on our southern doorstep with a lot of bored soldiers on his hands.
Originally thought up by bored British soldiers in the East Indies, the idea was for people to run/walk from one point to another, then drink, heavily.
Simply lies told by bored soldiers.