He was very good, and except for one bored glance he did not look at Vortka, his secret friend.
No one moved, except Aleatha, who cast a bored glance over her shoulder.
Casting a bored glance outside, expecting nothing but an ordinary sunrise, the big man blinked, then his eyes opened wide.
Firebird and Corey exchanged bored glances.
He read the paper from last page to first, meticulously, every now and then casting a bored glance out of the window.
The guard only gave me a bored glance.
The Lord of the Void cast Raven a bored glance.
The lieutenant gave it a bored glance.
He cast a bored glance at the first arrivals; these would be local government officials and their wives--small fish, not worthy of notice.
The seated vampires exchanged bored glances.