For two hundred and fifty miles our prospector bore us through the crust beneath our outer world.
It looks like this and enables you to bore beneath the surface and see what's going on.
It was a photograph of Cynthia Pellew, but it bore a question mark beneath it.
As soon as she accomplished these tasks he bore her beneath him on to the circle of the braided rug.
Each name bore a brief account beneath it.
He bore her beneath him to the dirt floor.
He was standing openly in the doorway, his burning eyes boring from beneath the brim of his slouch hat.
Leaping upon the creature even as it started to rise, he bore it to the ground beneath his heavy boots.
And some of the eagles bore lightning beneath their wings, and thunder echoed between sea and cloud.
If I could bore any kind of a passage beneath the wall, the mud would not stop my wriggling out.