The young border lord grinned as he glanced aside at the king.
Far worse had been alleged in the past two years, and by far more important people than a fifteen-year-old border lord.
People still flee Falcor, and the border lords must buy our grain.
The Tower had identified a young border lord named Dulain as a man .
Brother Michael had informed them that they were not precisely on trial, but it was as close to one as either king or border lord wanted to come.
Behind him, Dhugal's guardians escorted the young border lord to a mat set in the front row, just left of the aisle.
Scanning the crowd casually, Randolph noticed three of Morgan's border lords in an earnest conversation over to his right.
The border lords on both sides make a fine nest of adders, but Rhydderch is the worst of them.
At that time we were having problems with Murandian border lords - as usual.
Pribina first fled to Ratpot, one of the border lords in East Francia.