In any art fair, nearly every booth contains at least one item of interest if you look hard enough.
The second booth contained half a phone book, and the third had one so battered he couldn't find the index.
Each booth contains a headset and a cassette recorder which connects each student through to the instructor.
There is a creativity festival where each state/country runs a booth containing a fun activity related to their state.
The booth behind him contained a handsome young negro in an expensive fawn suit with exaggerated shoulders.
The booths contain many crafts, food, and games.
Each booth contained a desk and chair, a notepad, and a glass of water.
Each booth contained a pair of buttocks projecting from the wall, the distaff genitalia plainly visible.
More than 30 booths inside and out will contain handcrafts, plants, gourmet foods, toys and collectibles for sale.
The booth contains a variety of equipment used in the production of theatrical performances.