From one dangled a halfling-sized boot, the toe still twitching.
Teddy drew back and stared at him, hardly aware that her boots dangled well above the ground.
The boots dangled from his fingertips, and those fingertips had gone numb.
I gingerly placed a hand beneath each of his shoulders and lifted him until his boots were dangling before my face.
He lifted into the air, until his boots dangled a good pace above the floor.
The top of the desk rose almost to his armpits, and his scaled boots dangled far above the floor.
The train went on and Kostoglotov's boots dangled toes down over the corridor like a dead man's.
My forgotten boots dangled from my fingers.
The sergeant leaned, half-sitting, on the counter, letting a boot dangle.
With his oversized boots dangling a foot above the ground, Nobby considered his position.