Real estate is one of the many booming sectors of the economy.
Roth has aimed instead for the booming American independent sector.
Fabrication of agricultural tools was once a booming sector but is now less significant.
A booming public sector, with its enhanced ability to import, was enough to keep the economy showing growth, based on private consumption and government spending.
The traditional backbone of the economy was agriculture but the town has since developed into a major trading hub with booming retail and service sectors.
The booming industrial sector created 63,200 jobs in the period and employs 99,200 as of 2007.
Located in one of the fastest growing regions of the country, the 8th is home to a booming high-tech sector.
This proposal, while admittedly imperfect, would have brought legal certainty and stability to a booming sector.
The industry is highly competitive within most of our Member States, so we must not take heavy-handed action that might damage this booming sector.
Israel has a prosperous economy now, with a booming high-tech sector.