The booming population resulted in the town adding a second floor a few years later.
Home construction continued into the 1950s to accommodate the region's booming population.
Hong Kong started developing new towns in the 1950s, to accommodate booming populations.
Iran claims that nuclear power is necessary for a booming population and rapidly-industrialising nation.
The most notable animal in the park is the moose, part of a booming population that was introduced to Newfoundland around 1900.
At the same time, she has introduced programs to draw teenagers, local artists and members of Minneapolis's booming immigrant population.
However, in the 1960s, water began to be pumped to support Amman's booming population.
Schools in many states don't have enough permanent classroom space for a booming population of young people.
A primary example is China, a country with not only a large area but with a booming population.
Nearly three decades ago, the booming Chinese population caused the government to limit most couples to one child.