In 2004 the United States saw a "33 percent increase over the 6.2 million households that met that criteria in 2003," fueled largely by the country's real estate boom.
A continuing boom in housing construction and brisk consumer spending fueled the domestic economic growth.
The post-war economic boom fueled the American consumer's desire for more and better products, intensifying the demand for industrial design among American businesses.
The boom in hospital construction is also fueling higher spending, Mr. Salisbury said.
The state's economic boom has fueled budget largesse.
The problems are similar to those in the railroad industry after the Civil War, when an economic boom fueled speculation by financiers.
Asia's economic boom was fueling a taste for anything imported.
The recent boom in mortgage refinancings fueled consumer interest in credit reports, and the Internet made it easy to deliver them instantly.
The postwar boom and increasing demand for copper wiring fueled the development of Houghton in the 1860s and 1870s.
As the boom fueled the real estate market, and the city failed to build much new affordable housing, prices in better neighborhoods zoomed out of reach.