His guffaw boomed forth: "Maybe this'll buy your passage home from the sharks!"
The sound boomed forth from the dragon's open mouth and was quite impressive even to those who knew how it worked.
Xavier's voice boomed forth, the commanding tone he used when directing his Armada ships.
All this he boomed forth like a professor addressing his class.
Quickly, it barked into a vodor, and words in Galactic Seven boomed forth.
The song, if song it was, passed from one boat to the other, and as the chant boomed forth the craft shot ahead more swiftly.
Sounds boomed forth which otherwise only a sea dweller's voice bladder could have made.
A sure sign of player depression and repression, none of the usual music boomed forth from the locker room's overworked sound system.
For now the demon's voice boomed forth from beyond the door, smothering all other sounds.
A silence abruptly broken, by the voice of Vulcan that boomed forth at a volume appropriate for a god.