For the revival of Drama Special, Park played a bookstore employee who falls in love with a married man in Red Candy.
"I love how everyone pulls together during a crisis," a bookstore employee commented.
"I mean we are not senile; we're not stupid," said Ms. Cantor, the former bookstore employee.
Ms. Winslet is Clem, the brash, loquacious bookstore employee who meets Joel (Mr. Carrey) one day.
Mr. Moore's explanation is that last month, while in a Borders in Philadelphia to promote his book, he said it is a good idea for bookstore employees to join unions.
All it takes is a small thing, like one bookstore employee who likes a book, and that's the start of the word-of-mouth campaign in that area.
And it would clearly be useful for bookstore employees uncertain where to place a new release.
At the end of the line stood a bookstore employee, Jim Pierce.
"This is the bookstore employee," said Bob Goldin, an executive vice president at Technomic Inc., a Chicago-based company that tracks trends in the food industry.