Bookminders has a licensing program for accountants who want to build a large-scale bookkeeping practice.
Its corporations, notorious for dubious bookkeeping practices, owe at least $150 billion to foreign banks, many of them Japanese.
The accounting equation is fundamental to the double-entry bookkeeping practice.
A company's quarterly and annual reports are basically derived directly from the accounting equations used in bookkeeping practices.
He ordered a review of the bookkeeping practices and greater accountability to be applied to the state's convict lease system.
Investors in 3Com may want to consider how much confidence they should place in a management that resorts to such aggressive bookkeeping practices.
No firm wants to risk its reputation by linking up with a company whose bookkeeping practices could lead to scandal or the courthouse.
He added that the six-week period without an initial rent payment was based on the real estate company's bookkeeping practices.
Moreover, dreadful bookkeeping practices of the Communist economy make it nearly impossible to set a value on a potential partner's assets.
Card transactions add another layer of detail to your business's bookkeeping practices.