"I read those books to think about numbers the way Itakura would," she said.
His books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work.
He writes books not to preach, but to entertain and perhaps make people "think about things".
You end the book thinking that if this is poetry, it's a trivial art.
The essays contained in the book represent Asad's work and thought from the mid-1940s to 1987.
Rees described the novel as "a creepier book than people think."
A small, angry book about work, his colleagues think.
A book the editorial department thinks so little of that they only print a couple thousand copies?
So I wrote that book, and then people didn't think that was real.
I had read that book about a Catholic boys school and never thought anybody could make a picture of it.