When I tell this to Charlie, he snorts and gestures at the medical books stacked on the desk.
Standing in the hall, he gazed around the house, at the shrouded furniture and the unwanted books stacked on the floor.
There she noticed an assortment of books stacked in piles near the window.
Kelly noticed the books and papers stacked on the rolltop desk.
With the books stacked in the garage, the family began the slow process of distributing copies two by two.
She looked at the books stacked on the table, then at the man standing in front of her.
It wasn't uncommon to see 50 books stacked on a single table at one of his houses.
He had seen clearly the rows and rows of books stacked to the ceiling, making up the very walls of every room.
I believe it's in a book stacked under the piano.
"Cavalcade of Comedy" is one of four hardbound books stacked on the table.