Jimmy knew the name only vaguely, a small-time book reported to be a bit hotheaded and heavy-handed.
Since then, studies and several books report successful treatment of patients with dental fear using behavioral methods.
The book reports that the Guaicuro Indians had no word for resurrection.
She has been misplacing things, like her earrings and the book reports she must grade.
By 2011, the first book had reported sales of more than 1.4 million hardcover copies, and the series had grown to five titles.
In addition, the book reports that an Apache woman was wounded in the shoot out.
This book reports the telex sent to Rome by Zamboni.
The book reported a study of long-term global trends in population, economics and the environment.
From this list the student can then choose one book to read and report on.
Some climbing books report this mountain as the "easiest 6000er in the world", but this claim is arguable.