And if there's any sort of book offer, I say we go for it.
He is entertaining book offers, and he is looking for a job.
Thompson took the job and the article, published about a month later, prompted book offers from several publishers interested in the topic.
The book offer for this issue is a collection of original designs of dining furniture, traditional and modern.
He was 56 years old, and what followed were the inevitable book offers.
Unlike in 1991, when he was flooded with book offers, this time no publishers have approached him.
The defense says it was clearly for "financial motives" regarding possible movie and book offers.
A book publisher quickly approached her with a gigantic book offer, and a $10,000 check as an advance.
But Abbott, meanwhile, tries to look forward, not backward, which is why he has turned down numerous movie and book offers.
She was interviewed on national and local television and received half a dozen movie and book offers.