They booked the studio for three weeks during non-session down time late in 2001 and handled all production chores by themselves.
He booked a room for two weeks under the name of Herb Katz.
In 1944 she was booked into the Blue Angel, a prestigious New York supper club, for two weeks.
"Our Derby reservations have been booked for six weeks."
Analik says she currently has someone booked for seven weeks.
The hotel, booked for 8 weeks, room payable every other week, is getting nasty.
The church was booked for two weeks so that the entire interior could be redecorated to look like a legitimate Jewish temple.
- You booked for two weeks, the manager goes.
We had booked for two weeks, but five days into the holiday of a lifetime my windpipe began to close.
Although he was initially booked for three weeks, his engagement there ran ten years.