One thing about Kissinger, as both professor and statesman, is that he could always write, and this book does not disappoint in that regard.
Pop-up books, though perhaps more engaging for child readers, have disappointed as learning tools.
The book mostly disappoints, because it offers so little that is new.
Doolittle was fulsome in his praise for the novel, saying "Fleming's new book will not disappoint his millions of fans".
He is a grown-up and thinking conservative, so in many ways he is a perfect man for the task, and this book doesn't disappoint.
Like so many, Mr. Smith's book disappoints a bit at the end, but not nearly enough to undo its mesmerizingly unsettling effect.
A book that's too pacifying will disappoint, but one that's too exciting might have them leaping off the bed.
It is in using the life to grasp the philosophy that Richardson's book disappoints.
The book won't disappoint them.
But the book also disappoints on multiple fronts.