The 39-year-old Mr. Glicker - whose first job was washing dishes at the Galaxy Caterers in Plainview at age 13 - has booked concerts since his college days.
In 1958 it was sold to Mr. Hamid, who had been booking concerts and stage shows there.
The Giants would keep all revenue from their games and the Giants would pay the sports authority 25 percent of the net profit from booking soccer games, concerts and other events.
As a rising music promoter who booked concerts for the Spinners and Isaac Hayes, he already had some money, but nothing approaching the seven-figure sale price to which he committed himself in the heat of the bidding.
In the 90s, DiCesare focused more on creating and booking festivals both locally and nationally, while Engler continued booking concerts.
In addition, he headed the Association of Students concert division, booking concerts headlined by superstars like Huey Lewis and the News, Barry Manilow, Kenny Rogers, and Hall and Oats.
He began booking concerts at colleges on a part-time basis in 1967, and later that year he got into business with Chris Wright, forming the Ellis-Wright Agency.
At the Swing Set, he is back in his element - booking concerts.
On August 4, 2004, Cincinnati City Council unanimously overturned the ban because it placed the city at a disadvantage for booking concerts.
Madison Square Garden, a subsidiary of Cablevision, would run the arena, booking circuses, concerts and other events.