The nerve had swelled inside its bony canal, and the blood supply had largely been cut off.
He drew his machete from its sheath and began to chop one of the thick yellow tusks from its bony canal in the elephant's skull.
The bony canal of the cochlea takes two and three-quarter turns around the modiolus.
The bony semicircular canals allow estimates of duct arc length and orientation with respect to the sagittal plane.
The epidural space is the space inside the bony spinal canal but just outside the dura mater ("dura").
They were two white worms, David saw them clearly, converging on their separate trails to meet and blend at the opening of the bony canal into which they disappeared.
The pair of laminae, along with the spinous process, make up the posterior wall of the bony spinal canal.
The optic nerve is, however, confined within a bony canal between the brain and eye.
The bony semicircular canals are three in number, superior, posterior, and lateral, and are situated above and behind the vestibule.
First one and then the other tusk was lifted out of its bony canal and laid upon a mattress of cut grass.