Mice embryos that carried experimentally introduced mutations in the FGD1 gene had skeletal abnormalities affecting bone size, cartilage growth, vertebrae formation and distal extremities.
It has also been shown that maternal vitamin D insufficiency during late pregnancy is associated with reduced bone size and mineral mass in late childhood.
The doctors measure the bone size to avoid mismatches, and test blood type and other immunologic factors.
One important confounding variable is bone size.
The confounding effect of differences in bone size is due to the missing depth value in the calculation of bone mineral density.
Another study among women in their 50's found that both brisk walking and aerobic dancing resulted in increased bone size and strength.
Of course, you might have very large wrists because you are extremely overweight; the measurement may indicate thickness of fat rather than bone size.
Relief officials have observed children with abnormal bone size, distended stomachs and hair discoloration, all signs of diet deficiencies rarely seen in Asia.
The scientist who made the discovery in 1890 estimated from the bone size that the human may have been over three meters tall.
Their larger bone size also helps protect against this bone-weakening illness.