The molecular mechanism behind this process lies in the expression and repression of bone morphogenic proteins.
Cartilage repair using bone morphogenetic protein 4 and muscle-derived stem cells.
The key to the recent success is the family of molecules known as B.M.P.'s, for bone morphogenic proteins.
A main stumbling block to pursuing studies of bone proteins, Dr. Peck said, is the cost.
Other bone morphogenetic proteins are also known to impact corticogenesis.
In this research, identifiable remains of typical bone proteins, such as phosphoproteins and proteoglycans, were found in a rib.
Subsequent study demonstrated the fossil vertebrate material was well preserved, with little evidence of bacterial degradation of bone protein.
This is important because without the bone morphogenetic proteins the bone cells would turn into fat cells.
The best characterized of these bone protein is osteonectin.
Examples of such proteins include bone morphogenic proteins and cadherins.