The Texas researchers said calcium citrate appeared to be more effective at aiding new bone mineralization than other types.
Vitamin D also works in concert with a number of other vitamins, minerals, and hormones to promote bone mineralization.
Powdered eggshells have been used for bone mineralization and growth.
The resulting excess excretion of phosphate impairs bone mineralization.
It has been shown to be involved in muscle development, bone mineralization, and ureteric bud development.
The deformities may be attributed to osteomalacia, a lack of bone mineralization.
It is also implicated in bone mineralization and calcium ion homeostasis.
"Peter takes dietary supplements against loss of bone mineralization."
This is due to the important role dispanins play in strengthening the bone by bone mineralization.
During this time, bone mineralization continues, but growth does not, or does so at very reduced levels.