Derived from the Greek opsismos ("late"), the name "opsismodysplasia" describes a delay in bone maturation.
The "bone age" of a child is the average age at which children reach this stage of bone maturation.
WR is associated with abnormalities in bone maturation, and lipids and hormone metabolism.
Estradiol mediates the growth spurt, bone maturation, and epiphyseal closure in boys just as in girls.
Completion of bone maturation and termination of growth.
No additional testosterone is given during childhood, to avoid unwanted virilization and bone maturation.
On the other hand, adrenal androgens are readily converted to estradiol, which accelerates bone maturation and can lead to early epiphyseal closure.
Other effects include, but are not limited to, accelerated bone maturation, increased frequency and duration of erections, and premature sexual development.
By age five, her figure displayed pelvic widening and advanced bone maturation.