It was mere bone covered by cool dry skin, but the grip was startlingly strong.
In each litter lay a human skeleton, the bones still covered with a thin layer of living flesh and skin.
His hands were bone, covered with rotting flesh.
Her father's bones were composed on a twin bed, the long bones and rib cage covered by a sheet.
For those bodies were thin, arms and legs showing as bone covered with skin, no flesh or muscle under- neath.
He stood in rotting robes, his fleshless bones covered by tight, tattered skin.
Out of her pocket Mrs Wright took a revolting bone covered in fat.
She brought her hands up and touched a hot, leathery body, bones covered with scant flesh.
There were also worse things-new corpses that weren't quite all bone yet, covered with black flies.
I agree, it was a thin and aged horse he rode, a bag of bones covered with mangy hide.