A bonding moment between two successful dropouts.
This is seen by many fans as an early bonding moment in their partnership and is seen to contain certain romantic undertones.
"We got to that moment where it felt like a life-or-death crisis, and I felt that gave us a bonding moment," he said.
It is a show for mothers and kids that feature the different bonding moments, child-rearing styles and the many facets of motherhood.
But Curry said this bonding moment was no throwaway cliché.
It's a bonding moment for us at the office.
Going through it at second-generation speed only allows brief bonding moments.
As we walked toward the car, I found myself enjoying this bonding moment, although I felt bad about my son's disappointment.
When managers do their job, the summer share becomes a bonding moment that can lead to lifelong friendships.
The bonding moment was critical but it wasn't enough.