The coalition said it would ask for $17.5 million to buy and rehabilitate Piers 1 through 5 from the recently passed state environmental bond initiative.
The State Senate is considering a $2.7 billion bond initiative to finance expansion at both public and private colleges.
In several districts, the taxpayers approved bond initiatives, which allowed them to pay for repairs and construction.
Core support for the capital improvements came from Measure G, a $23.6 million bond initiative passed by Oakland voters in 2002.
The $850 million bond initiative was approved by voters in March of 2006.
Funding for the future court will likely be conditioned upon a statewide bond initiative.
A bond initiative to improve libraries was opposed by 53 percent.
A bond initiative was passed by city residents to allow the city to begin construction to redesign the intersection.
New Jersey's Constitution has been amended more than 150 times since it was adopted in 1947, usually for bond initiatives and other minor matters.
On April 3, 1934, county residents voted overwhelming in support for a bond initiative to build a new county courthouse.